viernes, 7 de febrero de 2014


KEY WORDS: music, creativity, technology, the next generation

The world is changing, and the way to make music too. In the past, all the musicians had made music with real instruments, and they had to record all their songs and albums playing the music in live. They needed a lot of people working at the same time to make an album.
Nowadays, there is an emergence of a new generation musicians, people that can make music with a simple set-up like a computer.
Thanks to this simplicity in the way to start making electronic music, there are a lot of people iniciating in this world. All the songs made at present are processed with something electronical Device. In any of the songs made nowadays, there is the existence of electronic elements.
This research project, contains a self made song and all the elements that it have. You will listen the new way to make music and how to make it with the new tecnologies.

2 comentarios:

  1. Hello Sebi!

    I appreciate your effort to do things that you really like, although you have restrictions. I think that you did well choosing this topic.

    I have to say that I was in your oral presentation of Research Project and I liked a lot how you showed motivation and creativity for this music.

    See you,
