domingo, 1 de diciembre de 2013

Self evaluation - Oral presentation.



"Hello I want to show you this presentation. In my presentation I am going to explain the history, evolution and others specs of Microsoft.
Of course all teenagers of this class are doing the magnify and wonderful project, but which operating system are you using?
Obviously the answer is Windows, but maybe nowadays you are using mac computers.

Good, after this introduction, I begin.
I would like to start with some questions, for example What do you think about this multinational? Another for example Do you know why you work with windows? This question looks easy but if you think one moment you will see the answer is: I don't know. And Maybe the most important question is CAN you choose? In this presentation I will try to answer these questions for point of view and we will reflection in this issue. The finality of this presentation is philosophize about this topic and maybe after this you change your opinion of this company.


Well, since QDOS Microsoft are creating and improving their operating system. Moreover Bill Gates change the commercial politic, nowadays they don't search an efficient and useful system, they follow beautiful and cool interface, like windows e(xp)erience and windows vista, or windows 7.
In my opinion I think that WV is the worst OS(Operation System) in the world, I don't know if you remember this OS, and if you have installed this operating system Microsoft must pay you 100$ for month but only is my opinion. Do you agree?
Thanks to the improvement of the technology, now we are in Windows 7-8. Windows 8, the newest one it is more focused on the android system and smart phone systems. Most of you maybe have the WXP or W7, but WVISTA was really bad.

For another hand Microsoft work in another task like games, with xbox, internet explorer, MSN which is a program of instant message an others privates frauds like Microsoft office.


Probably Microsoft are one of the most powerful company in the world. For example one of these monopolys, maybe the most important, is the OS. A funny information that I found in the internet is that Microsoft win 3.600 millions only in Spain when our budget for education this year is 3200millions so the win 400 millions more than our education budget.
Microsoft was in the tribunals some times for accusations of monopoly, but nothing can stop this giant. One of the fine that Bill Gates must payed was 5 billions to (American Telephone and Telegraph) Although this nowadays this multinational are buying more rights of different programs and applications, so if you like computer games or anything programs you must buy this OS so only can ruining on this OS. Often this cause the illegally downloads.


Well my conclusion is very logic, we can't take the bull by the horns, it's MICROSOFT so if we need work and play some programs we must use this platform. We think that in the future Microsoft will disappear, and the people use free software like LINUX."


Well, as always, I need more dedication, a better fluency and more study. I am able to understand a fluid conversation in English, maybe all the things I watch and all the things I am learning on my own are in English. I am able to see series in English with subtitles.
I need more dedication in the fluency of my speech. I know what I need to say, but I don't know how to say it. This is for my lack of vocabulary and grammatical use.

I am improving my English a lot, and I think that I need to go in other countries to learn this language and to be a more complete person.



Joke podcast


A man is talking to god and the man says:
      -God, how long is a million years?

God says:
      -To me, it's about one minute.

The man asked to god:
      -God, how much is a million dollars?

And God says:
      -To me it's a panic.

The man asks again:
      -God, can I have a panic?

And God answer:

      -Yeah, wait a minute.

Humour discussion

When did humour start? We don't know it, but I think that humour started with the creation of communication.
Our life could be better if we took it or we made it funnier. Personally I spend a lot of time being sad, but I recognize that it is a hundred times better living your life with a smile in your face.
There are people who hate jokes, who never smile, and when I see that it's like a waste of their lives for them.
Laughter is related to happiness, happiness is one of the passions of humans and we live with it. Sadness, love, and many more I think that a human person needs to have all of them to be a complete person.

As on conclusion, I can only defend that the idea of “humour is necessary” is completely true, because it's part of the essential passions of humanity.

Email to teacher

Hello Elisabet, I lost my writing of the email, but I I will make a new one. I don't remember what the topic was but it will be a critic of me.
I am what I am. I love music, I need it. I am like music too, sometimes I am on the top of the live, optimistic and happy, but I have my downs also. Maybe I suffer more in my downs but it's the way I am or I can change to try to get more positive moments? It's so difficult.
Moreover I like to study things that I like on my own. I like to study, it sounds ridiculous but it's the true. What happened to me it's what I ask myself every time I fail an exam (too many times this year). But I know my problem, should I told it or no, this is my problem and I think that it's on my responsibility to solve it.
A strange reflection about me to replace the email, I am giving you the image of your reply to remember that I had it done.