domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Space Evolved By imagination

Yes! I do it, I do my first episode of this space where I will put all the sessions, I start with the idea of thirty minuts of music but this is dificult to measure, so I always will do ten songs and the time every week will change. Yesterday I uploaded my first episode called "Space Evolved By imagination" and I am so happy because some people that i doesn't know me them like it. One of them say in one coment : you killed it! and that's good. In the portal called Soundcloud I have got four hundred reproductions, and I like this.
The last week I work in this project with the logo and the mastering, and gave me a lot of work, but now I have it good and I love the result of my work.

This is my logo of that magic space:

And this is the result of that work:

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