miércoles, 26 de marzo de 2014


"The human rights are rights inherent to all human beings, whatever our nationality, place of residence, sex, national or ethnic origin, colour, religion, language, or any other status. We are all equally entitled to our human rights without discrimination. These rights are all interrelated, interdependent and indivisible." United Nations

Well there are thirty articles and there are some that can confuse us. For example, the right to the copyright I found it correct, but in my opinion, it could be bad if we accept the right of Freedom of Expression. I say this because in my country, Spain, the organitzation "SGAE" it's a total disaster, it's a corrupt organitzation and it perjudices the few artists that are in Spain. This right delimits the way that we can express, if we want to use some stuff like music and it has copyright, we can't use it because it would be iligal, even if we work with it and we modify it. Here, in Spain, I can't buy the music I like because in my Country it's not avaiable or it's restricted. I hate it.

martes, 11 de marzo de 2014

Podcast without sound

PAU: Hey Sebi
SEBI: Hello Pau
PAU: How your night had gone?
SEBI: Very bad Pau, very bad.
PAU: Why? What happen? You haven't chat up any girl?
SEBI: No, my ears are to big, they were the biggest ones in that club.
PAU: I think you need an operation to solve this physical problem, because you are getting sick. 
SEBI: You think is it that?
PAU: Yeah, I am sorry. But I know someone who could do the operation for you, his name is 
SEBI: Thank you Pau, its a pleasure listen someone saying what I need to listen. Can you give me 
his number phone please.
PAU: Yeah sure, it's 696 (six nine six) 69 (sixty nine) 69 (sixty nine) 69 (sixty nine).
SEBI: Wait men, it's very expensive this operation?
PAU: Not at all, if you take the pack you just need to pay 2000 dollars and it includes a menu in his 
own Kebap restaurant.
SEBI: Oh really nice! I love this kind of meal. And you know where it's this operating room?
PAU: Well this is weird, but the last day I go there it was in the kitchen of his kebap restaurant. 
SEBI: Okey that's cool! I wonder what they will do with the excess of ear

domingo, 2 de marzo de 2014




The fifth generation of the mobiles is coming, and it has been showed this year in Barcelona Mobile World Congres. One example is that the quality of the cameras of this smartphones will increase a lot. For example, nowadays some smartphones can record in a quality like 1080p or 1K. This next generation will have the posibility to record and take photos as 4K, this is insane. The next samsung 5G will have a camera with 16MP and the highest resolution in the smallest size. Not only Samsung will launch their 5G mobiles, Apple and more companies are working to create the new generation of mobiles. One example of those, is from LG, that it can bend, and the new google glasses.

The 6G generation will be something like this:



Sensation White is a electronic music festival that travels all over the world. This year, the new Sensation White opens a new seasson called Into the Wild. The festival had made a short documental of the making off. There are a lot of parts to match in this event, like the light show, the line up, pyrotechniques, dancers, artists, the people, the decorations, etc.

This year they have build a colossal snake inflatable. It's builded in one piece and give a bigger light show for the people.
The most interesting udapte in this new seasson is the synchronized bracelets, the light technic can send orders to the leds of this bracelets and with this, create the biggest light show ever done.

You can see the best chapter of this short documentary below:

Where I can find a place without Intenet?


There are any site in the earth without Internet? Yes. 
Sites like Korea don't use Internet like other countries like EEUU, because they have a restriction to use it from the governement. One of the last localitations without Internet is this island, but other islands althought not have Internet via cable, they can connect it via satellite. Google it have created a loon to build a place inside it without Internet, this spots usually are called blackspots.

In conclusion, the best way to get offline is banishing ourselfs to put limits to the hours that we could be connecteds. Try to avoid Internet is more dificult than it seems.




Nowadays, in Europe, there are a lot of trouble with the case of Ukraina, now, Russia declarate war to Ukraine, I don't know exactly how will finish this. It could be a big problem because Russia has a very powerful military and if a civil war starts in Ukraina it will finish with an unnatural disaster.  One site says that is just a red alert, but the other site says that it declerates war. All we can do is pray that EEUU don't interfere in this politic problem. Ukraina is interesting for Russia and for Europe, because it's on the middle of the continent, and I hope that this will finish with a separation of the two ideologies that Ukraina has, and if it's possible, democratically. 



Internet for a better world

Internet is one of the most important discoveries of humanity, and maybe as good as the discovery of the control of fire. 
Internet is like a coexisting world. Well in the Internet there are few physical parts, but in general, is all about the imagination. Internet is the next step that allow us to comunicate each other and join all the people in the same world. Better explained, it's more easier to understand the situation that Ucraina is sufering nowadays than twenty years ago. We have all the colours of the media, and we can decide what we will choose and what we will trust. For me Internet is very important and I am glad that I can use it when I want, because I think that Internet is a free place for everybody, but it has disvantages. There are a lot of good and amazing information but I think that there are the equal in the other way, harmful information is in this free world too, and this is why we need to know how to use Internet. I hope that the third Great War will be through Internet, for our safety.


This history is about Bennet's family, whose live in Netherfield, specifically  of their  daughters; the beautiful Jane, the clever Elizabeth, the bookish Mary, the immature Kitty and the wild Lydia   The history related the relations of Bennet's daughters. Unfortunately for the Bennets, if Mr Bennet dies their house will be inherited by a distant cousin whom they have never met, so the family's future happiness and security is dependent on the daughters making good marriages. The history begin when Bingley, who is a young and very rich man, and his best friend Mr. Darcy arrive in town to spend the summer in a mansion. This is the beginning of wonderful love story. 

In the film the characters are more magnified than what I imagine, all of them with these way to dress, I don't like too much. The part that shocked me more in the film it was when the girls are preparing their physic for the second ball. They where preparing herselfs from morning untill the night. 


The main characters in this story:

Elizabeth: this is a little more intelligent than her sisters. She is beautiful and  cleaver and she prefers ethics before appearance. For example when she visited Jane who was ill in Bingley's house

Mr Darcy: He is the best friend of Bingley,  he is respectful and his behavior is the same than true gentleman. 



For me this is the easiest presentation I have ever done because I learned all what I know in english. It contains the part of visual suport with the video of how I had made the song. Maybe I should prepared a little bite more but I think that it was great. 

The disvantatge was that not everybody is able to understand the technical descriptions of the operation of some programs and VST's, but I still think that was not bad at all. 




-Personal evalutaion
-Free time
-Put on practice what I have learn and what other people have teached me.

Objectives of the project: 
-Produce a song with a computer
-Amateur but with persistance

What I will present:
-I will show you how I made the song and the results of this work.
The structure of this project:
-Teoric part.
-All is related with the song. All turns into this creation.


- Comment this program.

- Comment audio tracks and show the wave forms.

- Which efects I have used in the song and how they work.

-What they are and what they do

-Which ones I have used and how they work (superficially)

ELEMENTS OF THE SONG – Show them and comment their functions.



Design of the artowrk.

Social media 
Distribution of this song 

Show the old and the new design of the presentation cards. 

- The new movement of the EDM
- New ways to create music.
- There are really musics in this movement like deadmau5 and Porter Robinson, but they               don't enter to the EDM, they have a underground and underrated style.
- Posible work for the future.

sábado, 1 de marzo de 2014




The Britan spies had intercepted a lot of webcams with explicit content. This is what is happening nowadays in every place that have internet connection. Everybody thinks that his personal life it's in a safe place on the Internet, but this is completely false. This operation it was made because all the world spies each other. Well we have a lot of situations like this, EEUU is spying everybody too. The grace was that in this operation, they found more pornographic videos than what they where searching. Obiusly, Yahoo will demand this action because they say that is a "completely unacceptable" privacy violation.

NEWS - Synthesizers



What's a syntesizer? It's a machine that can create sounds modulating the sound waves. It comes from the generation of a tone that comes from a circuit. This tone can be modified, and we can obtain diferent types of sounds. Basically we have the saw waves to generate bass sounds and liniar waves that generate sounds to be used in the melodies.
Twenty years ago, these machines were not analogic shapes they were physical objects and nowadays they are digital programs. 
The most expensive one is the FAIRLIGHT CMI that costs $ 27.500 in 1979, when it was released, maybe nowadays it could be a collectionable piece. In this time it was unique. 



I have no idea of what I will do the next year. Maybe I go to England to study english or maybe I stay in Catalonia working and thinking about what I wanna do the rest of my life. I don't know why I don't know what to do, when I was younger all this stuff was easier and I had my mind clear and even I had worked harder in all the things I had done, but now I am like a simple ship in the middle of the storm, that this storm could be the reality.

I always ask myself why am doing what I do, and I never get a clear answer. I think why I need to do the homework of the school if I don't wanna go to school, this argument looks like childish, but, why I need to do a think that is damaging me, just because all the people do the same. I don't know how to explain this exactly, but all I know is that I am not who really I can be, we are in a really strange society that I can't understand. 


I have realized that what i need in my life is music, and the thinks that this art transmit. I am able to express my feelings with the music and this is the most importrant point of this journey that I am starting.
I explain this because I have had bad and good experiences all along and I wanna do something diferent now.I am ready to attribute a feeling with one song. It will be all electronic music because for me is the one which have more possibilities to express feelings. Maybe it's upon my own way to think but maybe someone shares my opinion. 

Clicking on the name of the song, it will take you to the Youtube link, and now, some feelings and moods:

ASHAMED - Jordi Veliz - Let me stay (...oh god why...)