domingo, 18 de mayo de 2014


I started to study English when I was in first of ESO. Nowadays I am finishing second of Batxillerat and I improved a lot. I don't remember exactly which was my first english presentation, but I guess that this one it should be better than the last one. I lose it all the desire for the studies in this past three years. It has been the wrost time of my life and I lose it a lot of things. 

My main source of knowledge it has been the Internet. I have learned a lot with the Internet, watching series, self learn basically. I think that self learn is the most important thing to work on it, but if the knowledge of the students depends on the self work, that would work just for a few persons, and this is not what the system wants. 

The oldest presentation that I have founded is this one:

And what can I say is that I haven't changed a bit since then (AJAJA) I say the same, I have to study but there is a force that prevents me of that. 

The older post is this one:

This one either change my tastes, It's the begginings of my music project and I think that I have improved a lot. Maybe the vocabulary it's not rich enough, but it's quite good. This one is the best "I do sixteen years old and I can go to the night clubs to have a good time" .

I have enjoyed the Blog and this afternoons making it at the last time, it was special, very special moments. At the next day after the deadline of the blog, I was able to write more than a houndred of words in just two minutes. More than a half of my agility with the keyboard is thanks to that, I really appreciate it. This agility is one of my best abilities in the computer, because when I combinate the deadline of the blog and the gameplays of two years ago, now I can write without watching the screen. 

Well my posts are not that different a part of the vocabulary and the grammatical mistakes. Maybe the Google Translater had improved over the years too =)

The future that is waiting for me is an uncertain future. What I want to do is travel to a different country to learn the oral skills that I need. I think that is more necessary than the other skills. 

One adverstiment that I can tell to the uncoming students, is this one:
          Don't follow my steps, follow yours ;)   

domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014


This game is gonna a be huge, I am a visionare. I know that this is a little bit freak, but I love MMORPG games and I wanna say it. After the long reing of the father of all the MMORPG, World of Warcraft, it's time for a new way to play and a new way to focus this kind of genere. Wildstar is going to be the example for the other MMORPG that are incoming to this new generation of online games.

Wildstar is going to offer us all what we can expect for a good MMORPG. It includes a good game mechanic, a dynamic combat system (and different), the people who made it are sympathetics, adorables, they know what the players want, and I am countig the days missing for the launch of this game. It's going to be at the 3rd of June, that's a bad day because I have to study for the final exam of my high studies, but I will play it for sure.

I learned a lot of english listening live streams of the devolpers of this game and now I understand better the oral english than the writted one. The next week, when I will finish the final exams, I will purschase it and I will be able to play the beta. Let's have fun!

Formal letter

                                                                                                             129 West Avenue
                                                                                                             Los Angeles
                                                                                                             4th April 2015
Spain Exhange
Pol Box 867
Delicies St
St Pere Pescador

Dear Jhony,

I am writting to you because I am worried about my education. That's because some of my teachers didn't organize their classes. They don't know how to put order and they need to be more strict. There are few of them that allow to the students everything and that shouldn't be.

Beside of that, I want to talk about the behaviour of the wrost students. I just want to purpose that you, the director of my school, should put the level of the students in different categories, because I don't want to be with people that they don't want to study.
I hope you will considerate this point and I will wait for an answer.

Yours faithfully,

     Barney Stinson.

Bring Back Our Girls



Recently there was a big sequestration in Nigeria, where 250 girls were sequestred and no one knows where are them. The trend was to take a photo with a paper saying #BringBackOurGirls with a hastag. All the celebrities and famous people started to support this campaing but I think that this is just bullshit, sorry for the expression, but I am fired up. I don't understand why people do this, why people think that a trending topic hastag on twitter will solve something, we are creating a society based on abstract words that sail in the Internet, a non-physical world. It should be penalized to do things like that, I am not aproving the sequestration of course, what I am asking is why that people that make that photos think, it's so stupid. What it makes that for the girls, what they would think, "Oh thanks, we are trending topic in twitter, ¡I am done!", what a shame, maybe the people that take this photos think that this maybe clear his consciousness and their job with this topic is done. Well I can't do anything for this girls, maybe the ONU army is taking some selfies to solve it. 

Look at the Obama's wife, asking to the liberation of Nigerian girls that life in infrahuman conditions and she is in the Withe House, saved and innocent morally. Well Michael, you can sell one of this sofas or maybe your necklace and send the money for someone who really can help. At least, don't waste a piece of peaper because in Nigeria, they have one for all the class. Or maybe ask to your husband what he had done into this collective.  

TOP 12 Dance Music Brakers



This is a list of the top twelve music brakers. It's interesting and confusing because for example, the top eleven, most ecstasy consumed, the guy that necked 40.000 pills of ecstasy, thats it's wreid. There are more curiosities like the most well paied DJ, or the longest set that the humans have ever made, six days and a half unstopping the music. There are a men in this list that is able to say 921 syllabes in one minute that is rellay crazy. He can sing you one song in less than one minute. 

The most impressive one is the set of Adove and Beyond DJ group. This DJ Duo plays at Bara de Tijuca Beach in Rio on NYE 2007 in front of one million people, the sensation should be unreal and an amaizing expirience. I can't imagine how it could looks like there, in the decks front one million people listening what you are playing, this is the power of Trance, amazing. 

Sounds of Solidarity


This is a documentary about the initiative to help the people from Haiti, poor people that life in bad conditions of life, with deaths in the streets and hungry. The people that life in Haiti have been helped with this initiative of the music events and all this stuff. Recent catastrophes have destroyed most of the country and all the houses that people live in, correctly, they live in shanties. 

This is a documentary about the dance music and how effect to the people from Haiti, how this events can solve the social conflicts and all the delinquency that are in this country. 

I think that it's a very good idea for the people and for the society. Music have this power to link all the people together and this it's really good for the coexistance and to forget all the bad moments and things that are happening nowadays in this country.

sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014

Youtube music channel

A few days ago I was thinking what I can do for the music that gave me that much, as a compromise, to share real music, that music that make you feel, that music that it's not made to earn money, that music that I love.

Well I was wondering how I could be different to the other YouTube Music Channels, and I founded an answer. The main purpose it will be the feelings, well I will share music for what transmit to me, like sadness hapiness, sensation of calm, ... 

I will follow a guide, the guide of feelings, for example, every monday it will be a song that transimt me sad feelings, or for friday, euphoric feelings for example. In that way, I will share music for its essence.

I don't know how I will name this YouTube Channel but it's a project that I will work on soon, because if I can touch the feelings of the other people and making them enjoying that music, I will be pleased and comforte. With all the expirience that I have accumulated, I think that maybe it can go well.

Finished project

Well I finished the new intro for my podcast and the new image of it. I don't know what I will do with it, because I don't get enoguh feeback, I should revise this. I think that it's well done structured and finished but it doesn't get enough plays or visits or whatever.

I am working really hard and the best as I can, but sometimes (now more than never) I feel like I am not going anywhere. I am waiting a reply for a DJ job but I am not sure of it. This is a frustation because I spend a lot of time doing all this stuff (podcasts, artworks, design, music, etc.) and some people that don't work as I, get more attention than me. I am starting to think that I am not good enough, but my love for music is inconditional, and I will not surrender, for now. 

This is the new artwork of the new round of podcasts, it takes me an atfernoon to search the appropiate image, 2 hours to modify it, and I losed the count for finished it. Well this is the final result.

martes, 6 de mayo de 2014

My projects

It have been a time since I don't write anything here, that's because the deadline of this homework is coming.

Nowadays I am working in a lot of stuff, first of all the weekly podcast of music, then all the stuff related with music and finally the school. I am not studying a lot but I will survive. I spend almost all my time in things related with music, doing the podcast every week, sometimes I make some edits adding vocals to songs and all the design stuff.

Since the beginning, I already have made fourteen podcasts of one hour each one, and from now, the Episode 015 I will change the Introduction that I have make and the artwork of this podcast called Space Evolved. I think that I am making a good job with the podcasts and I am very proud of each one. Since the Episode 010, I had changed the structure of this podcast, and it should be at this episode to change all the stuff that I will change now at the fifteen episode. Let's see what is finished for now, the new structure:


Well from the Episode 10, Space Evolved will have the following structure: 

In a pair Episode like 010 or 012 the music will be Progressive House and Trance. 

In a impair Episode like 011 or 013 the music will be Electro House and Dubstep. 

So visually it looks like this: 


domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

One of the hardest stories I have ever seen

I just can belive how strong this guy is. He have faith, he is strong and he have passed a hell just for the violence of some american people. This story is astonishing, it's just unreal but at the same time, the reality always win the fiction. His superation spirit it's amazing and it makes you think in what kind of situation you life.
We are lucky people that don't value what we have. We just want more and more until our life it's on the line of death. This guy will think and will be happier than before this expirience. All the happiest people that I know, they have been in a big troubles and they value their lifes, but this is always like this. I don't want for me what it had happened to this guy, but I think that if something like that happens, I will appreciate my life on million times more than now. Nowadays I just worry for secondary things, while some people are suffering and they are happier than me. I need to revise this and change before something like that. 

It's sad but this is the reality, it's like a punch of our happy world, we are exclueded of this reality and mostly, we try to evade this kind of topics, we need to change it.

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

This film makes you to think, and the original too, but this one is newer. This year, this company will launch the second part of this new remake of the mitic film, and I love this plot. 

I think there is a high probability that this will happen, it could happen if we think closely. Technology grows faster and faster and one day we will not be able to controle it, or maybe, like this film, an accident occurs. This is the newborn race of the apes and all the consequences involved. The first part it was the origin of the virus and the first super inteligent ape. The second part will be the revolution of the apes, and maybe it will be a third part, the win of the apes.

I love Sci-Fi, and all the abstract films, I think that is a really good way to create something from the nowhere. One of my favourites films that I have watched is Avatar, and I am still waiting for the second part. Create an history, the world that englobe, and all the stuff that turn arround of this plot,  just from the blank paper, is a difficult thing but the results are ten times better.