domingo, 4 de mayo de 2014

One of the hardest stories I have ever seen

I just can belive how strong this guy is. He have faith, he is strong and he have passed a hell just for the violence of some american people. This story is astonishing, it's just unreal but at the same time, the reality always win the fiction. His superation spirit it's amazing and it makes you think in what kind of situation you life.
We are lucky people that don't value what we have. We just want more and more until our life it's on the line of death. This guy will think and will be happier than before this expirience. All the happiest people that I know, they have been in a big troubles and they value their lifes, but this is always like this. I don't want for me what it had happened to this guy, but I think that if something like that happens, I will appreciate my life on million times more than now. Nowadays I just worry for secondary things, while some people are suffering and they are happier than me. I need to revise this and change before something like that. 

It's sad but this is the reality, it's like a punch of our happy world, we are exclueded of this reality and mostly, we try to evade this kind of topics, we need to change it.

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