domingo, 11 de mayo de 2014


This game is gonna a be huge, I am a visionare. I know that this is a little bit freak, but I love MMORPG games and I wanna say it. After the long reing of the father of all the MMORPG, World of Warcraft, it's time for a new way to play and a new way to focus this kind of genere. Wildstar is going to be the example for the other MMORPG that are incoming to this new generation of online games.

Wildstar is going to offer us all what we can expect for a good MMORPG. It includes a good game mechanic, a dynamic combat system (and different), the people who made it are sympathetics, adorables, they know what the players want, and I am countig the days missing for the launch of this game. It's going to be at the 3rd of June, that's a bad day because I have to study for the final exam of my high studies, but I will play it for sure.

I learned a lot of english listening live streams of the devolpers of this game and now I understand better the oral english than the writted one. The next week, when I will finish the final exams, I will purschase it and I will be able to play the beta. Let's have fun!

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