domingo, 25 de noviembre de 2012

Storms in UK

In that notice, we can see the power of the nature, she is strong and without any concern. Some weeks ago, in USA, there was a hurricane, the scientists called Sandy, I don't know the reason. But these weekend, we can see in UK, there are more than eight hundred homes flooded. There some deaths in these storms, the causes are falling trees or the excess of water.
The biggest problem of that is that storms are inevitable and sometimes the people ignore theindications of meteorologists and for this always there are deads and missed people and similar cases. I think the most dangerous thing is the human stupidity, for example that video of USA from the hurricane Sandy:

Fairy tale


Long time ago in an ordinary village there lived one little girl, her name was Nancy, she had blue eyes and long and fair hair. Her old brother’s name was Peter, they were a very poor family, and they only had each other because the war had kept their parents away.
Nancy was only 10 years old and she had already worked for four years , and her brother had to work too and take care of his sister. Peter, is a strong adolescent of eighteen years old, and he always protect his little sister.
One day, Nancy left house and she dicided to go to find her parents, but she didn't told anything to Peter and that makes Peter sad, and he decided to went to find his siter, but he wasn't has the same lucky than his sister and one day of the searching Peter fell into a river and he died. We know that because the three people that found him in the river were his parents and his little sister Nancy.

My objective

Nowadays, my principal objective is become the best DJ in Catalunya. It's gonna be difficult but it's my dream and I wanna fight for it. For me, this place is for Sergi Domene, but I will overcome him, one day, I am sure that this day will arrive. Now I have a lot of work from the school and this is not good for me, but my parents want it. So if I do this objective reality, My next dream is enter to the DJ Mag Top 100, is the best chart of DJ of all the world. 
To do that, my tools are simple but this adds more complication to become a good DJ. I will do one episode for every week, and every week this episode will get better. I want to do a song too, but now I don't have time, so I'll have to found it.
But the most important thing, I am happy of my work.


What is Beatport? 
Beatport is a digital portal where you can find the newest and the best songs for the djs. I use it and it's so practical. That portal it's divided in some parts: Music, Sounds, Mixes, DJs, Play and News.
In the part of Music You Can genera are found in all type of electronic songs for the clubs and a lot of generes like electro house, progressive house, dubstep, drum and base, glitch mob, hard dance and more. You can buy the songs for approximately for 1'5 euros each one.

The other parts are used for diferent uses like sounds packs to do a remix, or to do scratch or packs of vocals, leads, chords or more things. The Mixes part is on beta, this mean that part is on testing because it's new. The other to are for your list of songs heard and the news are news of the best DJ, new technologies, number one songs and more things like this.

Space Evolved By imagination

Yes! I do it, I do my first episode of this space where I will put all the sessions, I start with the idea of thirty minuts of music but this is dificult to measure, so I always will do ten songs and the time every week will change. Yesterday I uploaded my first episode called "Space Evolved By imagination" and I am so happy because some people that i doesn't know me them like it. One of them say in one coment : you killed it! and that's good. In the portal called Soundcloud I have got four hundred reproductions, and I like this.
The last week I work in this project with the logo and the mastering, and gave me a lot of work, but now I have it good and I love the result of my work.

This is my logo of that magic space:

And this is the result of that work:

Spain regions: Catalonia to vote in key elections

So my favourite little country maybe it's gonna be a real country aftere that elections. In this notice we can read the important repercusion will have these elections for europe, I think we will be independets one day, maybe we have for two or three years, but if we don't try it, we never get out of this f***ing country called Spain. Today, 25 November of 2012, there are elections in Catalonia, and probably the elections who will have more activity of ten years.
These is the topic more talked for the people, this topic is on the street, like Gangam Style. If we want to do anything, I think we need to leave of Spain and join to union europe. but this is only my thought, now is your turn to change this comunity.

My winter sport.

Until I had four years, I went to ski in a ski station called Vall de Núria, all the family went there for four or five days on the winter holidays, and we went there since eight years, every year. This year we will go to a new ski station called La Molina, and my grandmother invited us to go there. This station its located on Catalonia.

My first year I didn't take a skis because I had fear to had injured in one adventure. But the next year , when I was five years old, I decided learn to ski. Since that day, every winter I go to the mountain for sking and have some fun with the other people in the station. Oh! I forget it, the thing that I love a lot is the velocity when I go with the skis!

Film review - A Year With Armin van Buuren

This is a documentary of the number one DJ in the world, his name is Armin van Buuren and he is my idol. He does trance and I love his music. My first favourite song was from him and it's called Going Wrong. 
The documentary is a tracking of Armin in one year, with his work and his problems. He explain us the dificult to be in the first place for three times, it's work harder and harder. When I saw this film for first time, this open my hearth and  I say: ¡Oh my god!
Armin van Buuren make trance music, and this genere is diferent to the others generes like electro house or progressive house, this kind of music play with your sentiments and make you feel another new sensation, the liberty. The name tell us what the trance will gonna do in your mind, there are a trance.
I love his music.

13 & Adrian Mole

First we read the book, it's called "Adrian Mole", its a history of the adolescent who has got the typical problems in this age. The book is sometimes funny and its easy to understand. Between the book and the film is more  diferent than black and white. In the film there are the tipical problems for adolescents but it's a extremly tragic case. The girl want to suicide because she doesn't like her life, and this is the reality for a lot of people,  we have questions of our live and we feel insignificant next to the world. 
In the film, Trace is the victim of the life and death almost. I don't like so much this film because it's so shocking for me. Trace has got a friend who will change Trace's life. They take drugs, have sex and more things with thirteen years old and for me this is unreal.

sábado, 24 de noviembre de 2012

Rebel Song

The Offspring - You're gonna go far kid

Show me how to lie, you’re getting better all the timeAnd turning all against the one is an art that’s hard to teachAnother clever word sets off an unsuspecting herdAnd as you step back in the line a mob jumps to their feet

Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chanceAnd no one even knew, it was really only you

And now you steal awayTake him out todayNice work you didYou’re gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies and a good disguiseHit ‘em right between the eyes, hit ‘em right between the eyesWhen you walk away, nothing more to saySee the lightning in your eyes, see ‘em running for their lives

Slowly outta line and drifting closer in your sightsSo play it out I’m wide awake, it’s a scene about meThere’s something in your way and now someone is gonna payAnd if you can’t get what you want, well, it’s all because of me

Now dance, fucker, dance, man, I never had a chanceAnd no one even knew, it was really only you
 And now you'll lead the way
 Show the light of day
 Nice work you did
 You're gonna go far, kid

With a thousand lies and a good disguiseHit ‘em right between the eyes, hit ‘em right between the eyesWhen you walk away, nothing more to saySee the lightning in your eyes, see ‘em running for their lives

Now dance, fucker, dance, he never had a chanceAnd no one even knew, it was really only youSo dance, fucker, dance, I never had a chanceIt was really only you

With a thousand lies and a good disguiseHit ‘em right between the eyes, hit ‘em right between the eyesWhen you walk away, nothing more to saySee the lightning in your eyes, see ‘em running for their lives

Clever alibis, Lord of the FliesHit ‘em right between the eyes, hit ‘em right between the eyesWhen you walk away, nothing more to saySee the lightning in your eyes, see ‘em running for their lives

This is a rebel song, this song tell us about the world of lying, the singer speak with the liar and    he says to him or her all the things that he think. I like this song because its rythmic and catchy.
This song is important for me because my brother and I sign a lot when we are happy and alone in our home. I love this song and my brother love it too i think.
In the part of the song where he repeats, he say: 

  Now dance, fucker, dance, man, he never had a chance  And no one even knew, it was really only you
He want's to mean the important of the chance, if you never chance you will become a stupid person. That song want's to express that lies are bad. 

Self evaluation

(I cannot upload the video of my presentation)

This is my self evaluation. Now I finish to see my video and it's so embarrassing.I do a lot of mistakes and I know the cause, I don't prepare the presentation. For me it's dificult because sometimes I get nervous when I am fornt of a lot of people. But there are some more things that I don't do good. I touch my self with my hands a lot of and sometimes I stay in blank. Fortunately  the theme of my presentation is diferent like the others and more dificult because has tecnic words in it. I do a lot of mistakes in gramar part, like this:
     When I go to Cadaques> When I went to Cadaques
     They can be a lot of expensive > They can be very expensive

And a lot mistakes in pronunciation in simple words like: 

I think I can get better in my next presentation.

Translated script:

My hobby

Hola em dic Sebi, tinc setze anys i sóc DJ.

Aquesta afició va començar  fa nou anys quan jo tenia set anys.Estava anant amb el meu avi al cotxe en direcció a Cadaqués, per passar les vacances d'estiu, i el meu avi, que jo li dic sempre "Avi Brutus", va posar música al cotxe, va posar Flaix FM a volum màxim i la cançó que va sonar era Leathal Industry de Dj Tiësto, i això va ser el meu començament en el món de la música electrònica. Quan era jove, una de les meves cançons favorites era Going Wrong de Armin van Buren.

Cinc anys després d'això em vaig decidir a comprar una taula de mescles per aprendre algunes coses d'aquest art. Vaig començar a barrejar amb un programari anomenat Traktor amb un mesclador simple. Aquest mesclador va ser la RMX Hèrcules. En aquest temps ho utilitzava com a hobby.

A principis  del 2012 sempre escoltava música, i quan dic sempre és sempre, hi va haver algun temps que podia escoltar catorze hores de música en un sol dia. M'agrada tota la música, però actualment m'agrada l'Electro House, el Progressive House i el nou genere americà, el Dubstep. Per mi el profeta del dubstep és l'Skrillex . M'agrada un munt d'artistes de tots els gèneres. Actualment el número 1 és l'Armin van Buuren, repetint per quarta vegada aquest títol.

Aquest estiu he dedicat molt de temps a perfeccionar les meves habilitats, i vaig passar moltes hores practicant cada dia. Vaig crear la meva pròpia pàgina a internet, fer el meu logotip, creació de pàgines socials, et. Em vaig fer el meu primer set de DJ, està compost per un mesclador pioner i dos reproductors DENON digitals.

Aquest any he après moltes coses sobre com puc crear una cançó en un curs de la música electrònica i per a mi això és el més increïble que he après mai. Vaig a Girona un munt d'hores dos dies a la setmana i això és esgotador per a mi, però no és suficient per que em sobrepassi.
Avui dia tinc alguns projectes en ment i estic lluitant per assolir-los.
Aquests són els meus projectes:
Space Evolved By imagination de 30 minuts de música. Una cada setmana.
First Song- Fer la meva primera cançó d'Electro house o Dubstep

"Ara Flaix FM està creixent i necessita un DJ per prendre els nous gèneres". Luka Caro
Així que he de treballar més dur que mai.

The penguins of Madagascar.

This carton is based of the film Madagascar, the protagonist of the cartoon are different than the film. The penguins are very funny, in the cartoon there are four penguins. They are very specially, they are the secret soldiers. They are called: Skipper, the capitain, Rico, the specialist, Kowalski, the genius and Private, the more younger. They are in a zoo and they solve the problems that occur there. There are more characters like king Julien, Maurice, Mort and more. All of them are funny
I recommended, it's so funny.


Wrong e-mail:
Hello Lourdes, my name is Eusebi but i prefer if you can say me Sebi, i like it more. So I think if this is my first redaction I can tell you something of me. The most important thing is talk of this subject because I haven't got ease to speak english and it's dificult for me. After this i gonna tell you some of my hobbies: 
I am DJ,producer in a future, and this is important because a lot of of my post gonna talk of that world of electronic music. In this October I go on Girona in a Ableton Music course to learn how to do a good song in that genere: electo house. For two months I will go in Girona for two days a week duting 4 hours  a day. But for my is important to learn how to make this kind of music. So thats all I can tell you of me
¡See you later!

Oh I forget it, in this link you can see my blog and the why of this title: The Professional Griefers

Corrected e-mail:

Hello Lourdes, my name is Eusebi but i prefer if you call me Sebi, i like it better. So I think if this is my first writing I can tell you something about me. The most important thing is talk about this subject because I get nervous when I speak english and it's dificult for me. After this I am going to tell you some of my hobbies: 
I am DJ,producer in a future, and this is important because a lot of of my post will talk of that world of electronic music. In October I am going Girona in a Ableton Music course to learn how to do a good song in that genere: electo house. For two months I will go to Girona for two days a week duting 4 hours  a day. But for me is important to learn how to make this kind of music. So that's all I can tell you about me.
¡See you later!
Oh I forget it, in this link you can see my blog and the reason of this title: The Professional Griefers

jueves, 22 de noviembre de 2012

"Diamonds" of Rihanna take number one

Rihanna take the number one in the US chart for twelve times in her musical career. She is a very good musician, I like her voice. To do twelve number one songs only can do the best musicians in America. I listen her new single and I like it so much, but I prefer the remix that it sounds in the radio. I think Rihanna is a very good singer and she work a lot to stay in the top of America's chart. I belive in her and I think she will to had more songs in the top of America's chart.

jueves, 4 de octubre de 2012

The Interview

Vocaroo Voice Message

I only has got my part of the interview.

1- Yes of course, my name is Sebi

2-My birthday is on June, yes fourteen of June. I was born in nineteen ninty-six.

3- I am doing first of Batxillerat and I think it's so difficult.(Lie)

4- I love music, it's an important part of my life. I like meet with my friends too and go to a bar to drink something.

5- Sure, I love the art of mixing songs and that things, and create my own music.

6- I listen a lot of music, but my favourite kind of music is Electro House, I love it.

7- I don't know, may be it's because when I was young the Flaix team introduce me in that world, oh I am sorry, Flaix team is a group of some radios and one of this is of that genere that I love.

8- I am trying it but is more harder than it looks and in october I went to do a course in Girona to learn the digital production.

9- I'm not sure what you mean, because I tell you now, I don't start oficially to compose music, but early I gonna do my first song.

10- The beats, I love the beats, maybe because it's the most important tool to work in one DJ.

11- I never play an instrument, only when I was young I try the spanish guitar but I didn't like to play guitar.

12- Your welcome, bye.

jueves, 20 de septiembre de 2012

Why I choose this title?

Before you ask me this question I answer you. I choose this title because I like this song. Its made by deadmau5, is a DJ and Producer in the top of the world and  Gerard Way, and this is his newest song. This song came in first position on Beatport (Is a page for DJ with the newest charts, songs and lists of the bests DJs in the world). Of course I like the video too, it's funnny because there are two big rats fighting, this is because deadmau5 wear a mask of a mouse and this is his characteristic trait. The title says GREIFERS, so the grey big mouse (Gerard Way uses grey mouse) is the greifer and the red mouse(deadmau5 uses red mouse) is the champion of the battle, so deadmau5 is the professional. Enjoy the song!